Oil from BP Deepwater Horizon spill at the Gulf Macondo well floats on the Gulf of Mexico
Copyright – J. Henry Fair – 2010

The H Project is seeking for support to successfully complete this experiment.

SPONSORING   Companies and/or institutions interested by the idea of sponsoring a cultural project are welcome to financially or materially support The H Project. In exchange, we commit ourselves to display our sponsors names and logos though our network and on our social media pages. Other counterparts may be set up with some benefactors. Don’t hesitate to contact us!

FINANCE   “The man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones.” Each contribution is essential and help us grow and move forward. The H(eritage) Project is officially a non-profit association since August 8, 2015. This status, mandatory, allows us to collect donations, grants, or every private or public subsidy to bring this project to its completion. You can give a donation :

by sending a check to “Association The H(eritage) Project” to our head office at : 8 Quai Jean Fleuret 33250 Pauillac France

THANK YOU to all our generous donors whitout who this project would not be the same.

HOST   You’re currently living, or you know someone living in Dubai or Hong Kong ? Don’t hesitate to contact us ! The H Project is looking for a roof for its second step from April to September 2017.

Because “One who travels without meeting anyone doesn’t travel, he moves.” Alexandra David-Neel.

SUPPORT   The H Project is more than ever grateful for all the support received from our friends, relatives, colleagues, from associations, institutions and every other person, so: THANK YOU !

And as we’re mutually enriching when we’re sharing, we’re also supporting beautiful projects, utopias and innovative thinking.